Bourbon Coffee
Unique quality of coffee varieties in Panama

Bourbon Coffee


Bourbon is a type of coffee originally discovered on the island of Reunion, near Madagascar, which was named Bourbon. While some experts believe that it is simply a natural mutation of the typica variety, others argue that it is a distinct type of coffee in its own right, and I wholeheartedly agree. Having tasted and examined many different varieties of bourbon grown in Africa and Latin America, I have concluded that there is indeed a unique "bourbon flavor," characterized by a bright acidity and a sweet, wine-like aftertaste.

Bourbon beans grown at higher elevations often have a noticeable floral aroma. In addition to taste, there are also physical differences between bourbon and typica coffee plants. Bourbon plants have broad leaves and produce relatively small, dense fruit, resulting in smaller and rounder beans compared to typica beans.

The original bourbon varieties were called “French Mission,” while their later progenies from Kenya and Tanzania were indicated by letters or numbers, like SL28 and SL34.


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