The Best Hybrid Coffee You Need to Try Now!
Unique quality of coffee varieties in Panama

The Best Hybrid Coffee You Need to Try Now!


Catuai is a hybrid coffee variety that is a cross between Mundo Novo and Caturra. It is known for its ability to be planted at higher densities, resulting in higher yields, as long as the farmer provides proper fertilization. One of the benefits of Catuai is its resistance to strong winds and rain, which means that the cherries are less likely to fall off the tree under these conditions.

In contrast, some coffee growers in Panama experienced significant losses during the 2005/2006 harvest due to heavy rainfall, with up to 30% of their crop being lost. However, most of these farmers were growing other varieties that were more susceptible to wind and rain damage, not Catuai.

In my own cupping trials, I have not found a typical flavor profile for Catuai. However, I have noted that the sweetness of Catuai beans can be influenced significantly by proper fertilization methods. The application of natural, organic compost can intensify the sweetness levels and improve the flavor profile of Catuai beans.

Overall, Catuai is a viable option for coffee farmers looking for a high-yielding variety that can withstand challenging weather conditions. With proper care and fertilization, Catuai can produce high-quality beans with a unique flavor profile.

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